
ACEC New York – Benchmarking and the Industry Evolution: Where We Were and Where We Are Going

September 29, 2020 12:00 am — October 1, 2020 12:00 am

Following the postponement of the Benchmarking 2020 event, originally scheduled for March 25, ACEC New York, in collaboration with Anchin, created an updated virtual program, “Benchmarking and the Industry Evolution,” looking at prior collected data through the lens of current events and the outlook for the coming year.

This program took place over three days in three 90-minute sessions (see agenda below).

Experts in finances, risk management, firm management and economics provided a broad perspective of how engineering and related professional design firms can best thrive in this new environment, temporarily or permanently. This three-part program allowed owners and managers to learn about opportunities and challenges that will be with us for the foreseeable future.

Thank You Sponsors



Tuesday, September 29

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Session 1; The New Reality/ Overview

How should design firms be operating in the new environment? What does the data show and how is it changing? Experts looked at regional and national trends from specific design industry issues to broad economic overviews.

  • Introduction/Welcome/Moderator: Jay Simson, President & CEO | ACEC New York
  • National Industry Perspective: Linda Darr, President & CEO | ACEC National
  • Previous Report Overview: Phillip Ross | Anchin, Block & Anchin LLP
  • New Economic Realities: Charlie Dougherty, Vice President, Economist | Wells Fargo
  • Additional Industry Insight: Rebecca Zofnass, Managing Partner | EFCG

Wednesday, September 30

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Session 2: Financial and Risk Management

How are firms and their advisors looking at the broad and critical nature of risk? How are they managing finances, contracts, clients and cash flow. What legal considerations need to be considered with guarantees, obligations and insurable risks (the do’s and don’ts/shoulds and should-nots). Does the COVID-19 environment present new risks that need to be addressed?

  • Introduction/Welcome/Moderators: Fred Ackerman | Anchin, Block & Anchin LLP
  • Risk Management in the New Environment:
    • Kent Collier, J.D., CRIS, LEED AP BD + C, Client Executive and Professional Services Risk Consultant | Greyling Insurance Brokerage
    • Steven Gido, CFA, Principal | ROG + Partners, LLC
    • David Hatem, PC, Partner, Chair of Professional Practices | Donovan Hatem LLP
    • Rimma Zaleznik, TT, CFO | Thornton Tomasetti

Thursday, October 1

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Session 3: Transition and Ownership

Firms will continue to grow and shrink, merge, acquire and be acquired. New owners will emerge from the ranks of employees. What does the future look like? How do I recognize opportunities within and outside of the firm? What are firms planning for the foreseeable future in M & A, internal transitions, and identifying the next generation of leaders?

  • Introduction/Welcome/Moderator: Brian Kenet | Anchin, Block & Anchin LLP
  • How Firms are Adapting Ownership: Sheila Di Gasper, Partner | Ingram Yuzek Gainen Carroll & Bertolotti LLP
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: Mick Morrissey | Morrissey Goodale, LLC
  • Providing a Firm Perspective: David T. Gockel, PE,PP, LEED AP, President & CEO | Langan Engineering

  • Services

  • Industries
